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This article discusses, mainly through Deleuze and Guattari’s schizoanalysis, the problematic of machines and its resonances with the computer art. In context of the computational artworks and its relationship between art, science and technology, there are often many discussions about interactive interfaces and the possible types of communication between man and machine and its technical and aesthetic implications. However, it seems that there is a crucial fact in these relationships (sometimes forgotten) to be discussed: the incorporation of the ontology in these interfaces, the incarnation of an ontological binary digit in a technological binary digit. When we move to this turning point, the interactive interfaces of computer art would become “machinic machines” that, between technology, aesthetics and ontology, can be mapped by their inclinations for affectivity, for the game and for the transduction, giving rise to all kinds of “affective machines”.

Sabrina Maia


João Agreli-Totem
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